A dictionary definition of digital advertising is, “Digital display advertising is graphic advertising on Internet websites, apps or social media through banners or other advertising formats made of text, images, flash, video, and audio. The main purpose of display advertising is to deliver general advertisements and brand messages to site visitors.” But what is it really?
Digital advertising is putting your message in front of customers most likely to purchase your product or service.
How is this done? With the smart use of data.
The internet provides data with which we can identify and target your potential customers. We do this by studying browser search activity which reveals shopping trends, purchasing behaviors, consuming habits and affinities. Armed with this information we can target and deliver your message to very specific customer groups such as new parents, homeowners with certain incomes, cat owners…the choices are highly specific and… nearly endless.
You can even use our Digital Audio service to put radio commercials on places like Spotify, ESPN Radio, Sound Cloud and iHeart.

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